Sunday, March 31, 2013

Back in the U.S.S.A

Well I keep being urged to write again while I'm over so I'll start at the beginning. With my flight over.

The past 3 times over to LA my plane has not been full allowing me to pick a seat with no one next to me and thus with my height I can fully extend across the seats and then laugh at business class who have paid 3 times as much to do exactly the same thing.
This journey I went online and saw many seats filled but the three in the middle at the back free so I picked the end of the three imagining I'd be able to stretch out again and sleep for the journey. However on getting to check-in I was told that the plane was full now so I'm now stuck at the back on an isle seat so I'll be one of the last off and last in the queue for customs.

On getting to check-in with Virgin I try and hide by on board bag as it's a British Airways vintage flight back. However I have to put if on the scales to be weighed. The check-in woman says she shouldn't really allow me on with 'that' bag. So I tell her that she should upgrade me as I'm defecting from flying with BA and that's how much I like Virgin. This doesn't work.

BA Bag
 So on the seat next to me is a nice looking lady. It then dawns on me to watch something 'intelligent' from the selection of films on my screen. I chose 'Cloud Atlas'. Which, I have to say wasn't as mental as I hoped it would be. But I did enjoy Jim Broadbent in it and Tom Hanks playing and Irish gangster was pretty bizarre. After this I decided to watch the sequel to the best film ever*

I will find you...again and I will kill you....erm...again. Goodbye

Taken 2 with Liam Neeson as you can tell now I'm trying to show the lady next to me that I am a bit manly by watching some violence. I always wanted to see this film at the cinema thinking it can't be bad as it will just be as good as the first Taken? But it really was Taken the piss (ha!).
The first hour of acting was so bad - it was like Liam Neeson was doing his comedy bit from 'Life's Too Short'. And the best character from the first film (the new husband of Neesons divorced wife) is immediately written out as the first meeting of his wife is still upset over something he did and left (can't remember what).
This leaves the door open for a reconciliation. Anyway it was almost like a comedy in the first part as Liam plays a sort of sitcom character in being 'the worlds most possessive dad'. He's even fed the line 'Don't go checking up on her new boyfriend'. Cut to him banging on his front door.

Later on Liam and his wife get 'Taken' and I don't know whether she had something written in her contract that she would only be able to say 10 lines in the film but she is pretty much out cold for about half the film being left in the dungeon then carried around then dumped on a floor again. There were about 3 times when he went back to her body where you just thought she was dead.

His daughter also from not being able to pass her test manages to circumnavigate Istanbul in a presumable right hand drive and not crash. She also runs around Istanbul throwing grenades every 15 minutes and not alert the police or army or anti terrorist unit. She has to throw them where 'nobody is around' but I expected her to throw it see a dead body and then just shout 'Sorry'.

Anyway you'll be glad to know she passes her test at the end of the film. So the moral of the film as far as I can gather is to go to Istanbul have your mum and dad kidnapped. Throw some grenades about and then put yourself under pressure to drive around Istanbul being chased by the police and gangsters in order to definitely pass your test.

One time I traveled to LA I decided to watch the film 'Next' with Nicolas Cage'. This film featured a plane crash and it's aftermath. I was pretty shocked when I saw it (not the film which is bad but the scene). When I arrived home I wrote to the airline company complaining that I was shaken up by this scene and thought it was inappropriate to show this film on a plane. I wasn't actually bothered I was just trying to get some free airmiles as compenstation. Anyway here's the clip and can anyone tell me why Nic Cage just shouts 'Hey' at the first passenger who runs past him who is also burning alive?