Saturday, February 26, 2011

Television American style

I've been stuck in for a couple of days now since like Crowded House said 'everywhere you go you always take the weather with you' I seem to have bought to LA the whole rainful of the 3 months i'm here in one day judging by yesterday. Anyway I've so far watched a bio on Adam Lambert (who I had no idea who he was) and Taylor Swift (who I first heard about through Kanye West invading her award speech last year when I was here. I've heard Kayne West is being invited to the Royal Wedding this year. I hope he doesn't get up during the ceremony and shout 'ok ok everyone knows that Beyonce should have won the hand of the Prince'.
Anyway I've been very pleasantly surprised at the quality of the comedy here. And have so far enjoyed the Conan O'Brien show, Tosh.1 and the American Office. I also have seen lots of info shows including what I though said 'Improv Prostate Cancer' channel whilst flicking though. Only to flick back to see it said Improve Prostate Cancer - although why you would want to improve it I don't know. I also watched Tyra Banks show in which she attempted to talk about people who are born with both sex organs and that one in 2000 people are born with either a vagina and a penis or a penis and a vagina. She also said that one in 2000 people are ginger so there are as many both sex organ people as ginger people. I wonder what the odds are on being both ginger and having both sex organs.

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